Greg Owen
Over 27 Years of Programming Experience
Programming Examples, Portfolio, and More
Years and years of experience in the items listed below...
  • C#
  • VB.Net
  • Visual Studio
  • HTML5
  • BootStrap
  • JAVA
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • PL-SQL
  • T-SQL
  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Access
  • Crystal Reports
  • SSRS
  • Full Stack Development
  • CSS3
  • Web Development
  • Windows Applications
  • Programming
  • VBA
  • VB Script
  • XML
Check Out The Posts And Programming Examples Listed Below

Add a C# Dropdown to a Bootstrap Modal Dialog

This example combines C# and Bootstrap to create a bootstrap modal dialog containing an asp dropdown and an asp button to retrieve...

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Use C# to Populate Dropdown Lists With XML

The code below opens an xml file, reads the data from the xml file, dynamically adds a label for the dropdown list, and adds the dropdown list to the page...

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Add Style Properties to ASP.Net Controls to Improve Appearance

The default formatting for ASP.Net controls is very dated.  The default formatting is basically the same as the formatting in Visual Basic 1.0 ...

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Export To A Text File From A DataGridView Control

Add a button control to Form1.
Add a DataGridView Control to Form1....

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Add Christmas Cheer to Your Website

Some people believe you should wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas, but if you have your own website,
you can choose how long your decorations should be displayed...

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